Consep Acacia Gold Leaching Plant

The Consep Acacia is a leaching plant that uses a fluidized bed to recover gold from gravity concentrates. It’s often used in gold processing plants after a Knelson Concentrator. 

The Consep Acacia is a leaching plant that uses a fluidized bed to recover gold from gravity concentrates. It’s often used in gold processing plants after a Knelson Concentrator. 

How it works 

  • Uses a chemical oxidant to dissolve gold
  • Reaches recoveries of over 95% and often over 98%
  • Uses an up-flow fluidized reactor to maximize gold leaching
  • Doesn’t require mechanical agitation

  • Increases gravity gold production
  • Removes slow leaching components from the plant
  • Reduces the amount of gold that reports to the carbon
  • Reduces the amount of gold in circuit lockup
  • Lowers the required cyanide concentrations in the leaching circuit
Other features 

  • Compact design
  • Simple operating philosophy
  • Modular package with additional modules like electrowinning, cathode sludge recovery, and detoxification
  • Robust and reliable reaction chemistry
  • Superior solids handling techniques

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